Hey Dominique !

Hiya I'm Dominique. Call me Dee please. I'm sixteen! Welcome to my world (:

Wednesday, 23 December 2009

Havent done this in a while =/
Seeing jet later. and derek and goodwin and his girlfriend.
I think we're going to the cinema. Not too sure.
But I have a feeling im gunna end up being in town 2 hours earlier than everyone and end up walking around like a lemon.

Well, Jaays just text me. The weather is shit.
We'm goin' asda. Probably sit in the cafe. eat shit. literally.
No, not literally.

Anyway, i was teasing David (sorry, gotta call you David cause ill start talking about the other Dave I know. I cant call you D either. cause i know someone who has that nickname. :L) ANYWAY
teasing david, about writing our convosation on my blog, so thats what im doing now :)
BASICALLY, it was about half one in the morning, i'd just come off the phone from my other Dave cause he needed sleep. I tried sleeping, but couldnt, so I called David! Well we had a very very funny convosation. Because it was dark, and there were loads of different shapes around, i thought I was seeing deers, then frogs then god knows what. So i told him, hoping he would be like, yeah its okay its probably a potato bag, and what did he do? started laughing. in my time of need, he decided to laugh. it made me laugh because i was like, whats he laughing at? but come on. i needed help! So I was on the phone to him for a while. It was a good night. I went straight to sleep after that :L (and after I'd put on family guy). He didnt. Oh yeah, i forgot to say that he was asleep when I called. and oh my god, im so sorry :L David, you called me last night at 6:53am. Sorry I didn answer, i looked at it, and was like yeah ill answer, got confused and was like eh?! then the phone slipped from my hands and I was like, i have to find it cause he'll be angry if i don answer! :L and then it stopped ringing so i went back to sleep. my phone went right under my bed, so dont get mad. my arms arent even long enough to go under my bed, and the amount of crap there is under there i.e clothes and christmas presents its like, manic.everytime i look under my bed i seem to get sucked into this jungle of wonder. I always find something I havent seen before. It's magical i swear. Like the gateway to narnia.
Anyway, i best be off. I have to go meet Jaay at asda. Not sure what time, but it'll be soon.
so, ill blog soon!


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